Thursday, September 1, 2011

The Art of Being Single.

The Art of Being Single
(Or - "Don't panic but this could be for life)

a definition from someone: 
one person or thing; a single one.

an accommodation suitable for one person only, as a hotel room or a table at a restaurant: to reserve a single.

a ticket for a single seat at a theater.

a one-way ticket.
an unmarried person, especially one who is relatively young.

only one in number; one only; unique; sole: a single example.

of, pertaining to, or suitable for one person only: a single room.

solitary or sole; lone: He was the single survivor.

unmarried: a single man.
pertaining to the unmarried state: the single life.


  .... how sad :( these definitions seem to portray singleness in such an empty way. 

in the midst of all these definitions of "single" you actually do begin to feel pathetic and lonely. you fill your own head with thoughts of negativity and even begin to ask the question, "what is wrong with me?"


and you examine your motives ... you examine your ideas, your passions, your dreams, desires ... your joy. the joy you thought you had ... till the day it was brought to your attention that you were  "single"(not human) ... and then for some reason your mind began to focus on that one word .. and all those definitions that the world tries to say "defines" - you. 

and there you stand - "defined"  .. and alone

fortunately, dear friend, in most cases - such as this one, it's not you. instead, it's only the stinging opinions and words of the worlds view of married people ~ consuming your every thought. and the sly suggestions from others saying things like "hey, did you notice "jon dough" out there? (they smile) .. you know... the (this is where they try to describe the person as something better than what reality has really shown them) ... well??!!! whaddaya think???!! ... (what do i think)     

i think i want you to stop inviting me to your 
friends children's birthday parties because you "feel" that i need to get out more and socialize. i think i do not want you to "introduce" me to some person whom you wouldn't even trust your daughter (or son) with. i want you to realize that i am a person - a whole and complete person and that i love and respect myself enough that if i do end up meeting someone - i want to meet another whole and complete person who also loves and respects them self.       




i think i'd love you to know my spirit and see my heart before you ever thought to invite another into my life

1 comment:

  1. I'm still working on this thing called "blogging" ... as any "work in progress" - be patient with me. Because I am worth your time.
